Land. Rail. Ocean. Air.
Transportation Solutions Northwest (TSI, Inc) is a full service, Non-Asset Based Third Party Logistics Provider. That being said, we can pick up and deliver freight anywhere in the United States and Canada while saving you money too. At Transportation Solutions Northwest we do not ascribe to the traditional pricing methodologies, our pricing model is based on capacity utilization with our Contractual Carrier Partners, not the freight density associated with each shipment which our competitors use to calculate their prices.
Additionally, at Transportation Solutions Northwest, Inc we endeavor to be an extension of our customer’s business. That being said, we rigorously screen all potential additions to our Carrier base to ensure they meet our precise standards relative to safety rating, claims ratio and on time service commitments. Once we have approved the Carrier, we enter into a contractual relationship that clearly delineates our expectations and provides both Transportation Solutions Northwest and the Carrier a working road map to successfully deliver every shipment as outlined, per the instructions of our shipping document. To encapsulate, we select carriers that execute with precision.
Finally, saving you money, how do we do it? At Transportation Solutions Northwest we have worked in the Transportation Industry for years and know that freight moves in multiple directions. (Specific directions are cheaper than others and we look to take advantage of those opportunities on a daily basis.) As we have hundreds of carriers across the United States under contract, somebody always has available capacity moving in a direction we need, we simply match your freight with our Carriers need.